The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed - Fast Track

The Real Leader's Guide to Accessing the Freedom and Flow of Your Authentic Genius

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Spinning your wheels and running yourself ragged is no way to lead an organization (or a life).

Discover how to gain traction, build momentum and enjoy your life again, guaranteed!

Are you leaning on the accelerator without realizing that you are also pushing hard on the brake?

It happens when you have so much to do that you're running from one thing to the next without a lot of thought, thinking you can't afford to slow down. Intent on achieving, you pile more and more on, and feel increasing pressure and anxiety about getting it all done.

This dynamic can be unwittingly amplified throughout an entire organization, leading to low levels of morale, productivity and performance that result in fledgling profitability, customer (and employee) retention and growth.

You may be getting results, but your depleted energy, feelings of overwhelm, stress, and living on the verge of burnout is too high a cost. It becomes harder and harder to get things done, influence others and enjoy your work.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can go further without having to push so hard on the gas,
and allow your work to fill you up instead of sucking the life out of you (and your organization).

Ironically, it seems that people dedicated to achieving high levels of productivity, performance and influence are often the most susceptible to working in ways that keep them from the success they desire and leave them feeling frustrated and drained.

As a leadership development/organization effectiveness consultant and executive coach, I have dedicated my life’s work to finding ways to reverse that cycle – both for myself and others.

Over the last 25 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of leaders and executives to help them reconnect with their best selves, recognize and overcome self-defeating patterns, and optimize their performance from the inside out.

As a result, they were able to make a bigger impact while enjoying harmony in their lives, allow their work to feed them rather than deplete them, and move from a state of anxiety and pressure into one of passion and flow – even with a heavy workload and a high bar.

And having experienced their own transformation, they breathe new energy into their organization and lead others to reach unprecedented levels of performance, productivity and profitability.

Now, through my integrated program I am able to help others apply these methodologies in their own lives in a meaningful and practical way.

The things Diane has taught us through her coaching and programs have taken on a life of their own in our organization and given rise to some business practices that are helping us to get to the next level of organizational success. Diane has helped us to increase our self-awareness, gain insight into how we could be more effective, take inspired action, and build on our successes as leaders. Now we are finding ways to do that across our entire organization.

We have put several of our people through her Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program, starting with myself and our C level team and we’ve continued to downstream the program through various levels of the organization. It’s been extremely helpful, and the ROI is something I can’t even measure – it’s just exponential.

Thank you so much Diane for assisting to make CACU a better place to work chalked full of balanced, healthy, and motivated people – we have needed you and your skill set and you exceeded expectations for me personally, and more importantly, for the team’s transformation for the better!”

Pete Pritts

President/CEO, Corporate America Credit Union

The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track
is a 7-week leadership development odyssey. You'll learn to rise above conditioning that leads to stress, pressure and overwhelm so you can maximize your effectiveness, make a bigger impact and enjoy your work and your life more.

What if you could...

  • Recognize and free yourself from self-imposed obstacles that keep you from achieving desired results (and lead others to do the same)
  • Minimize the pressure, stress and anxiety you unwittingly create for yourself and others
  • Ignite enthusiasm, passion and inspired performance in yourself and others
  • Strengthen relationships and influence with coworkers, subordinates, customers and other key stakeholders
  • Proactively approach problems to create solutions you wouldn't have previously recognized
  • Tap into reserves of energy and creativity that allow you to get higher quality results in less time
  • Gain clarity on what you most want to create and what to start, stop and continue doing to make your vision a reality
  • Navigate through uncertainty with courage, confidence and resilience and blaze new trails when old ones are no longer effective
  • Bounce back faster from setbacks and disappointments
  • Transform fear into fuel that allows you to rise to challenges with courage and confidence
  • Prioritize your time in ways that allow you to strategically address emerging challenges and opportunities
  • Unleash and apply your own and others' unique talents to advance the success of your organization in a way that creates meaning and fulfillment

You can!

This program will show you how.

"I’ve really benefitted from the tools and approaches that were taught in The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program and often found I was able to immediately apply a concept or tool covered in a lesson or a group meeting to something unfolding at work. Learning to let go of needing to control everything as well as my assumptions about what had to be done has allowed me to not only be happier and more motivated, but also much more effective. I’ve been able to keep myself from falling into traps that used to keep me overextended and I’ve replaced old unconscious ways of working with better communication, prioritization, delegation and daily routines.

Integrating what I’ve learned in the program has also helped me to stay positive and not get pulled down by things around me – and as a result have a beneficial impact on others as well. I am living my life much more consciously and intentionally both at work and at home and feeling so much happier, even as lines between work and family are becoming increasingly blurred. I’m thrilled that people in my team have also gone through the program and will continue to do so, because I believe it has helped us to restructure and reinvigorate the way we do business to maximize our strengths and better serve our customers."

Julie Patrick

Senior Account Executive, Employer Advocates

Interested in a one on one guided experience? The Executive Track offers the same content with individual coaching calls following each module. Click here to learn more

This program is for you if...

  • You long to experience more passion, meaning and joy in your work and your life
  • You want to create an energized, inspired workplace of people who bring their best selves to what they do
  • You want to minimize the stress, pressure and overwhelm that comes with being a high achiever - without sacrificing performance
  • You want to make a bigger impact and contribution in a way that is aligned with who you really are (and help others do the same)
  • You want to improve your ability to lead and influence others toward lasting change
  • You or your organization is experiencing a high degree of uncertainty and ambiguity that you'd like to better navigate
  • You and/or people you lead have experienced a recent a setback or disappointment and want to get back in the game, but are hesitant about putting yourselves out there
  • You want to engage in a program that isn’t just an academic or analytical exercise, but rather a personalized, supportive experience that leads to lasting transformation
  • You are interested in working one-on-one with a coach, but like the idea of combining coaching with the structured learning of a program

What I liked about this course is that while it is professionally career oriented, structured and measured, it incorporates lots of the human aspect too. That makes it fun. It makes you really reflect, provoke deep thoughts and be more prepared to deal with your day to day stuff both at work and outside of work. It is holistic. It’s a well-rounded approach of how one could grow and develop as a human being as well as professionally as a leader.

Diane’s style is very personal and highly engaged. She puts a lot of thought into her examples and has a knack for using just the right one at the right time. The content is excellent and the tools are so useful. It has helped me to become more aware of what triggers me and how to self-direct so that I can stay in a state of flow and not fall into old reactive patterns that keep me from being effective. This has benefited me immensely, both personally and professionally.

Dr. Islam Salama

CEO, Hyperion Technologies

How does the program work?

(1) Individualized attention

  • The program will begin with a Challenges & Aspirations Intake Assessment that will allow me to learn what you hope to achieve and what you perceive to be your biggest obstacles and challenges - so that I can best address them in the coming weeks.
  • You'll complete the program with a sixty-minute one-on-one coaching session to help you assimilate what you have learned and identify next steps for moving forward.
  • You will have the option to engage in additional one-on-one coaching sessions to explore in greater depth your specific challenges and how you can apply the principles, tools, and strategies taught in the course to address them.

(2) Online training

  • You will be given immediate access to the first of seven modules of online training and a new module every week. Each module contains from two to four lessons ranging from 15 to 50 minutes in length. You will have lifetime access to this training, so you can revisit it anytime.
  • All lessons feature both video and audio formats, accessible from a variety of devices. Watch videos at your computer, or while you're exercising on the treadmill or stationary bike, or listen to audios in your car on your commute.
  • Each lesson includes downloadable worksheets and PDF's that summarize key concepts and allow you to apply those concepts to your specific challenges and opportunities.

(3) Group Interaction and Support

In addition to the online training and individualized attention, you will receive:

  • Seven weekly 90-minute Q & A and group coaching meetings. These sessions will take place in the weeks after you complete each of the seven modules. They are designed to allow you and fellow participants to ask questions, share insights, and work through any difficulties you may encounter.
  • Sessions will be conducted via video conference (you can call in from telephone as well) and will be recorded and made available for replay.
  • The opportunity to submit questions in advance of each group meeting and apply for a coaching hot seat to work through a specific issue or challenge related to each week's content.
  • Access to a private moderated community of fellow participants.


In addition, you will also receive...

The experience was just revolutionary for me and really changed the way that I look at personal things and professional things. It’s helped me better influence and connect to others, decrease my stress, and get much more done. I’m more mindful and have replaced old, ineffective tools with new ones – it feels great, it’s really refreshing. The program is awesome, and I highly recommend it.

Dr. Anthony Sciscione

President of The Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Christiana Care Health System

Want to take a peek?

Click the buttons below to preview Lessons 1 & 2 of the first Module!

Course Curriculum

What I liked most about The Pinocchio Unleashed Program was that it gave me “permission” to take time out of my day to think about leadership, productivity, habits, etc. and really dig inside and reflect on obstacles that were preventing me from moving forward and the tools I could use to overcome them.

I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to sharpen their tool belt and reconnect with their true leadership style. I think it’s very easy to get bogged down in mundane tasks and forget the reason WHY you’re doing those tasks in the first place. The program reminds you to set priorities and focus on what really matters and goes beyond simple leadership principles and jargon and really helps you look inward into what you want and what you want to be.

Karen Kurtz

Communications Specialist, Dolese


Are you ready for more Freedom & Flow?

Stop spinning your wheels and running yourself ragged and start getting some traction while enjoying your work and your life again!

This 7-week program combines the best of three different transformational modalities -- online learning, individual and group coaching, and live training and development.

The 2024 rate is $2,450.

Groups of two or more will receive a $500 per person discount.

Program alumni can re-enroll for $497.

Email [email protected] for group or alumni enrollment.

Get started now!

I have more tools in my toolbox of well-being and how to view any particular problem, whether faced with it on a personal level or on a professional level. I feel like I'm on a new plane of consciousness and I have a more optimistic and wider view of my own capabilities and life.

I've been able to connect to my own intuition more readily and more often by practicing what we've done in this course and spending time talking with Diane. I think it's very powerful. My leadership has opened up.

Scott Munger

Chief Operations Officer, Omicron Technologies

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Sign up above to join the waitlist and be the first to learn about upcoming program dates.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the online course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. After the program ends, you can come back and review or proceed through any of the modules and lessons at your own pace, anytime.
What technology will I need?
The group calls will be done utilizing a teleconferencing platform called Zoom, which runs on Macs, PCs, smartphones and tablets using Android, iOS (Apple), or Blackberry operating systems. For the best group experience, please use a device with a camera so that you can participate by video as well as audio. It is easy to control your camera feed and turn it off if you want privacy for a minute or two. There is also an option for participating by telephone only, which you are welcome to use on occasion.
How much time will this take?
Every week, you should designate an hour or so to watch the course videos, which are broken into two to five segments averaging 20 minutes each. In addition, I recommend spending from 30 minutes to an hour every two weeks to complete the accompanying reflection and journaling activities. Weekly group coaching / Q & A calls will be 90 minutes long.
Why would my employer want to pay (or reimburse me for) my registration in The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program?
There are several reasons why enrolling in The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program makes good business sense. Click here to download the business case for participating in the program, which spells out seven powerful ways organizations experience a return on their investment.
What tips do you have for getting my employer to sponsor my participation?
In addition to downloading and sharing the business case for program participation, there are three specific things you can do to advocate for sponsorship. First, be clear on how the program will enable you to achieve specific business goals you are currently working toward. Second, discuss how attending this program will help you achieve any professional development goals that have previously been identified in performance reviews or planning sessions. And finally, make it clear that you intend to use the learning not only for yourself, but to benefit others in the organization – and be open to brainstorming ways to do that.
Do you offer group discounts?
Yes! Group discounts are available for three or more people who enroll from the same organization. Email [email protected]
What if I need a refund or am unable to participate?
No problem! Your happiness is very important to us! The program is fully refundable within the first 30 days.
Can this program be brought in house?
Absolutely! The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program is a powerful team development and culture transformation initiative for organizations. We are happy to provide references of clients who have sent multiple teams of their executives and employees through the program, who can tell you first hand about how their organizations benefitted as a result. Email [email protected] for more information or to schedule an exploratory call with Diane.
Have more questions?
Feel free to click here to schedule a call with any questions or to discuss whether this opportunity is a good fit for you.

More words from previous participants...

The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program was life-altering for me – there wasn’t one area of my life that wasn’t impacted. It’s helped me question things that have been embedded in me my entire life by highlighting what was unconscious to me so that I could work through it. It was really eye opening for me.

I saw how I really was burning myself out and not getting out of my life what I wanted. I was definitely burning the candle at both ends and believing that was the only way that I could accomplish what I wanted. I looked at others who were further along or where I wanted to be and thought if I need to do more than this, I don’t think it’s possible. I’m exhausted and I haven’t even gotten where I want to go.

The program helped me to pause – I didn’t think I ever had time to stop, and I’ve taken a lot of time in the past few months to pause and question whether there is an easier way to do things and to question what I was believing so that I didn’t go down the same paths that were burning me out. I’ve learned to be patient with myself and allow myself to have the time and grace to continue to be conscious of things as they come up and give myself credit for being able to find a different way.

It’s largely impacted my leadership. In a time when it would be so easy to be in fear, judgement and anxiety, I have operated in my genius more than ever before at any point in my life. I have you to thank for that and I am truly grateful. Thank you!

Porsha Caddell, Senior Manager, Customer Business Planning, Southern California Edison

I enrolled in the Freedom & Flow course because I felt powerless. I didn’t like the way I was working and could see that if I didn’t make some changes, I was going to end up either not liking my work anymore or resenting it – because though I couldn’t work any harder I also couldn’t seem to execute any changes.

Diane helped me uncover the thoughts I didn’t realize I was having and the things I was holding onto that were getting in the way – answering the question for me about why I couldn’t execute. I was able to let go of a lot of self-blame and really be in the present moment, deliberate about how I want to show up. I feel more intentional and more empowered in my work and my life. And I’m committed to being more thoughtful about creating my schedule and not allowing things to overwhelm me.

Your greatest gift that you‘ll get if you’ll invest this time is that you’ll reconnect with yourself and find the answers you need – open up your mind and your heart, which is something you can’t do when you’re going a 100 miles an hour. The whole experience was very authentic. Diane is truly invested and engaged in creating something better for the people she works with.

Connie Phillips

President and CEO, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest

I was feeling disconnected from my passion, from the thing that when I originally took this role I felt made me successful, which was my engagement, my passion, my energy, my intuition. So I knew that there was a gap between where I wanted to be and where I was professionally, and I wasn't really sure why there was a gap or what I could do to fix it.

Diane really understands what leaders and professionals are struggling with and where we want to go, what we need, and how to get there. She delivers the content in such a clear, concise way – very easy to understand. Each week she gave us real world life tools we could literally take right back to our desks and our professional relationships and our projects and use. They were both impactful and practical.

I feel like the flow has been unlocked. The Freedom & Flow program gave me the tools to work through my frustration, to get to the place where I really want to be, where I feel most comfortable and where I’m happiest. It’s the place I can lead from my best and be the most effective. It allows me to be more creative, to be more inclusive of my team members and just let it flow.The tools I gained have allowed me to completely change my dynamic with most of the people that I interact with.

And everything that used to stress me out, if I just look at it a different way, doesn’t stress me out anymore. Big projects, small projects, interpersonal difficulties, all of that is sort of reframed now. I don’t feel totally rung out by the day to day or even the big things that come along, so I have so much more peace in my life. I’m able to just lead without it affecting me negatively in stressful situations and I’ve gotten my passion back, so I feel like I’m definitely out of that burnt out funk.

I would tell anyone considering the program, definitely don’t wait. Enroll. Don’t make excuses. Because you feel better when you get through it, when you do the work, and it’s not just because you’re working on you – I do believe it genuinely has changed my relationships, and good relationships have gotten better. I think anyone having problems or concerns or struggles in that area would find this to be life changing. It was a wonderful experience.

Liz Williams

Practice Manager for the Delaware Center for Maternal and Fetal Medicine of Christiana Care, Inc

The Freedom and Flow course is a fantastic experience. The homework really helped me gain some insights into things – to both learn and unlearn things to increase my engagement and pursue my dreams. I no longer live out of the fear and maladapted lessons that I picked up from previous situations in my life.

Diane was able to show me some blind spots that I didn’t even know were driving my behavior. It was really eye opening for me because though, as a martial arts instructor, I know (and even teach) the importance of being present, it is easy to fall into the trap of not actually doing it.

This course created some new awareness and habits to make it happen. Because knowing is one thing, but that doesn’t get anything done – you have to do it. Just creating that awareness and using the tools we covered, being completely present with my family and with interactions at work has already paid big dividends. And now I’m using those tools more and more.

Steven M. Erickson, MD, FACP
Medical Director, Sports Medicine and Concussion Specialists
Co-Chief, Sports Medicine Center
Program Director, Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship
Clinical Assistant Professor, UofA College of Medicine Phoenix

Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix

Since I knew Diane from other work, I knew this was going to be a quality program, so it was a fairly easy decision – an investment in myself. Personally, while going through this course, I was in the middle of three major projects. I was amazed going through it that even through the stressors were theoretically getting worse, I was getting calmer by utilizing what she was teaching in this program and actually applying it.

I was able to use the tools immediately and get better results – I was less stressed and actually because of that, performed better. I was also able to have more influence because I learned to focus more on how I could help people rather than trying to get them to do what I thought they should.

I really like Diane’s style. She is approachable and human. She talks about mistakes she’s made and how they’ve helped her. She is calm, competent and professional. She knows what she is doing and doesn’t need to beat her own drum – it just shows because she is authentic and genuine and that comes across.

I would definitely recommend this program to anybody really – certainly people who think of themselves as go getters, highly motivated. This course will help you identify your own style and strengthen it and compliment those things you’re not as good at by filling in some gaps and setting that foundation even better.

Doug Palmer, CEO, Optimal Performance & Leadership Coach

Level Up With Purpose

Your Instructor

Diane Bolden
Diane Bolden
Diane Bolden is passionate about working with leaders to unleash human potential. An executive coach, speaker, author and organization development professional with more than 30 years of experience in leadership development, coaching and consulting, Diane has worked with managers, directors, officers and boards in Fortune 100 and 500 companies and nonprofit organizations to achieve higher levels of performance and success by helping them to bring out the best in themselves and everyone around them. Her first book, The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming a Real Leader was released in January of 2011.

Diane is committed to working with leaders who seek to continually improve themselves so they can make a larger impact and contribution to their organizations, their communities and everyone around them. She has helped her clients and their teams get to the heart of their challenges and tackle their most significant issues and opportunities while learning to access and utilize their own internal wisdom, intuition, and natural talent.

For more information about Diane, including words from previous clients, visit